Our Seniors Access Bus is Back!

Our Seniors Access bus is back! For older adults who have difficulty navigating transportation an d who need extra support to get out of the house. Shop for groceries, prescriptions, and other essentials or just enjoy an afternoon out with companions. The Seniors...

Duplicate Bridge Comes to Parkgate

Starting this month, we now have Duplicate Bridge every Monday from 11am to 3pm in the Mary Hunter Hall. $4+GST for Parkgate Society Members. For more information and to check the weekly results, go to our Seniors Social...

Parkgate Child Care Waitlist is now Closed

As of today, the Parkgate Child Care Waitlist is currently full and we are no longer accepting waitlist applications at this time. If you have any questions regarding Parkgate Child Care & Family programs, please email: children [at] staging [dot] parkgatesociety...

Thank you Parkgate Volunteers!

On behalf of Parkgate Society and North Vancouver Recreation & Culture, I want to say a huge thank-you to our volunteers for coming out and making our Holiday Events – Winter Lights and Santa’s Breakfast – such a success. You guys are 100%...

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