North Shore Culture Map

Come to Parkgate Community Centre on Wednesday, November 27th between 1 & 2:30pm for an introduction to the new North Shore Culture Map – a wonderful new tool that helps people discover the cultural richness of the North Shore!...

Sponsor a Tree for Parkgate Winter Lights!

Parkgate Winter Lights 2019 is fast approaching but we still have a few trees available for sponsorship! If you would like to sponsor and decorate a beautiful vine maple tree that will be displayed in our lobby from December 3rd until January 6th, please fill in an...

November Youth Calendar

The November youth calendar is now up on the website  – here! Check out all the great activities happening this month in our 7/8 Drop Ins, our Pre-Teen Drop Ins, and our Teen Drop Ins!

Pedestrian Safety Awareness

Members of North Vancouver RCMP Community Policing will be in the lobby of Parkgate Community Centre distributing reflectors and pedestrian safety cards and speaking with people about how to keep safe while out walking during these dark autumn / winter...

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