Work Opportunities with Parkgate!!

We are currently hiring! If you are interested in working in a vibrant community organization with a great group of people, then please check out these work opportunities with Parkgate Society! Some are year-round and some are just for the summer, perfect for...

Intro to Brain Health

Heads Up: An Introduction to Brain Health – there is still space available in this excellent workshop! Monday, February 24th at Delbrook Community Rec Centre from 12:30 – 2:30 pm.  Refreshments will be provided. To register, please call or email: Melanie at...

Intergenerational Mother Goose Inspired Program

In partnership with North Shore Community Resources Society, Parkgate Society is hosting a FREE 8-week Mother Goose Inspired Intergenerational Program for seniors,parents or caregivers and their children under four. February 14 to April 3 2020, 10 to 11 am To register...

Healthy Eating for Children Free Workshop

Tuesday, February 18th, 6-8pm: This is a great opportunity to learn some valuable tips and gain new information about feeding nutritious meals to children aged 0 to 6. To register for this free workshop, please call: 604-982-3308 or email: jill [dot] nutter [at] nscr...

February Youth Calendar

Check out all the great activities that are planned in our Youth Centre during February!

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