Child Care

Pro-D Day Camps

Mon 17 Tue 18 Wed 19 Thu 20 Fri 21 Cates Park & Little Cates St. Patrick's Day craft & activities Crash Crawly's Rainbow Tye Dye and Parkgate Park + Old Buck Trail Science World John Lawson Week 2 Mon 24 Tue 25 Wed 26 Thu 27 Fri 28 Old Buck Trail + Parkgate Park Terra Nova  Parkgate Park + Fairy crafts Burnaby Village Museum Parkgate Park + Active Games

Spring Camp Registration

To register for Spring Camp, click the button below. It will take you to Procare, where you’ll need to create a profile for your child.

Once your profile is set up, we’ll check availability. If we have space, we’ll move forward with the registration process.


If you have any questions, contact Holly W. Koda at hkoda [at] parkgatesociety [dot] ca. We’re excited for a great Spring Camp!

Volunteer with us

Are you looking for a way to connect with our community? We are looking for volunteers of all ages who want to share their passion and skills with us and help to make our community a special place.

Contact our Volunteer Coordinator to learn more.

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Parkgate Society relies on donations of any amount from community members just like you.

Your support helps ensure Parkgate Society continues to provide community services to our friends and neighbours on the North Shore.

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