Parkgate Society Staff

Baby and Me at Parkgate

This is a FREE program that will run every Monday from 12:30 to 2:00 p.m.  We will meet in the family resource room at Parkgate Community Centre and a light lunch is provided. This program is for babies 0–18 months old and will be indoors at Parkgate from October onwards.

Please join the Parkgate Parent Community Developers for this drop-in program that provides babies and families with an opportunity to connect with nature and meet other families in the neighbourhood.

To learn more about this program, please contact our Program Supervisors, Alicia Todhunter and Barbara Lonne:

atodhunter [at] parkgatesociety [dot] ca

blonne [at] parkgatesociety [dot] ca

This program is made available to you through funding of Community Action Program for Children.

CAPC supports families to promote the health and well-being of young children and infants. Our CAPC programs include fun and educational activities such as FREE family drop-in programs, parent education courses, parent-led groups, and information and referral services.

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