Make It Monthly! Become a Monthly Hero!
By giving monthly, you strengthen our ability to make long-lasting improvements to our community. A contribution of just $20 a month goes a long way to making a difference in the lives of our friends, neighbours, and fellow community members. Such contributions allow Parkgate Society to be responsive to the needs of the community and provide vital low-cost and no-cost programs and services. Please consider becoming a Parkgate Society “Monthly Hero“. *

* Terms & Conditions: Make It Monthly 2022 $20 Offer is valid for new scheduled monthly donations of a minimum of $20 per month beginning March 1st, 2022 at 12:01 AM Newfoundland Standard Time (NST) to March 31st, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Standard Time (PST). CanadaHelps will donate to a participating charity an additional $20 for each new monthly donation of $20 or more that is made three times before June 2, 2022, to a maximum aggregate amount of donations from CanadaHelps to all participating charities of $50,000 CAD. See full terms and conditions:
Volunteer with us
Are you looking for a way to connect with our community? We are looking for volunteers of all ages who want to share their passion and skills with us and help to make our community a special place.
Contact our Volunteer Coordinator to learn more.