
Wednesday Dine-in Meal

A hot, delicious weekly community meal, prepared on Wednesdays with a rotating menu lead by Wafaa and cooked by volunteers.
Open to all ages. 

11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Mary Hunter Hall
Feb 26
Mar 5, 12, 19, 26
Apr 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
May 7, 14, 21, 28
Jun 4, 11, 18, 25

Dine-In Meals are $9.
The meal on the last Wednesday of the month is by donation.
Meals sell-out quickly, so come early to avoid disappointment! 

Enhanced Meals

Parkgate’s Enhanced Meals is a needs-based Social Meal Program funded by United Way. This low-cost program offers seniors who are looking for support getting out of their homes an opportunity to meet new people or chat with their neighbours over lunch. We offer a shuttle service for seniors living on the East of the Seymour River, with lunch included for the cost of $5. Registration is required.

Last Wednesday of the Month
11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m
Mary Hunter Hall
Feb 26, Mar 26
Apr 30, May 28, Jun 25

To register, contact Christina: 604.983.6359 or 
cthai [at] parkgatesociety [dot] ca


Upcoming Meals

March 5: Soft Fish Tacos
Perfectly seasoned plump fish with a variety of colourful veggies and crema sauce wrapped up in a soft-shelled taco.

March 12: Irish Stew
A hearty stew with an incredible rich, deep flavour made of fall-apart tender beef and root vegetables.

March 19: Kebab and Biryani Rice
Spiced beef formed into a kebab, served with biryani rice, which is basmati rice, spices, herbs, yogurt, and onions.

March 26: Deluxe Pierogies
Filled dumplings with a variety of deluxe toppings and garnishes.

Seasonal Meals

St. Patrick’s Day High Tea

Friday, March 14
4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Mary Hunter Hall
Join us for St. Patrick’s Day High Tea, this will be our only high tea of the year! All ages welcome!

Registration Now Open!

“The quality of the food, the attentiveness of the staff and volunteers, and the general cheeriness, make for a splendid experience for the seniors who come for lunch.”

–Morley L.

“I have made some wonderful friends and connections with the seniors in my community and I will cherish this experience.”

–Hilary N. – A volunteer at the Diners’ Club


PARC Cedar Springs

Volunteer with us

Are you looking for a way to connect with our community? We are looking for volunteers of all ages who want to share their passion and skills with us and help to make our community a special place.

Contact our Volunteer Coordinator to learn more.

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Parkgate Society relies on donations of any amount from community members just like you.

Your support helps ensure Parkgate Society continues to provide community services to our friends and neighbours on the North Shore.

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