Youth Services
The Parkgate Society Youth Services Team strives to create and empower positive change amongst youth between the ages of 10 to 24 living in the Deep Cove/East Seymour area. We endeavour to strengthen the community, advocate for the rights of youth, and promote growth and change by providing opportunities, knowledge and resources to youth. We listen to their needs and include youth in determining what programs we deliver. Our current service delivery includes: 1 to 1 support, group programs, camps, and special events/outings. We work closely with other professional agencies including School District 44 and Vancouver Coastal Health to provide the most comprehensive level of support for youth in our community so they can live life better.
Pre-Teen Drop in – Gr 6-7
Teen Drop in – Gr 8-12
*School year hours (Subject to change for special events)
Youth Services Team
Our Youth Services team is made up of our Youth Services Manager, three Youth Outreach Workers, a Youth Centre Coordinator, and a larger team of Youth Services Leaders and Volunteers.
Youth Services Supervisor: Dale Cheyne (he/him)
Cell: 604.783.8053
dcheyne [at] parkgatesociety [dot] ca
Facebook youthworker.dale
Instagram youthworker
Youth Centre Coordinator: Natasha (she/her)
Cell: 604.783.5754
nrivard-morton [at] parkgatesociety [dot] ca
Instagram parkgate.youth.centre
Youth Outreach Worker: Molly (she/her)
Cell: 778.882.2566
mdobie [at] parkgatesociety [dot] ca
Instagram youthworker_molly
Youth Outreach Worker: Autumn (she/her)
Cell: 778.885.9583
ARogers [at] parkgatesociety [dot] ca
Instagram youthworker_autumn
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