Preteen Dances

We are proud to host these massively popular preteen dances for youth in Grades 6 and 7. These dances allow preteens to explore social interactions in a safe, supervised environment while having a lot of fun. The dances also create a shared community experience prior to moving on to high school. All dances are on Saturdays from 7-10pm.

There are 550 tickets to each dance and they typically sell out very quickly – sometimes within a few hours. Registration for the dances is done through our community partner, NVRC’s, registration system. Refunds are issued if you withdraw more than 7 days before the dance, as per NVRC’s refund policy.

2025 Upcoming Preteen Dances

The Parkgate Society Youth Services Dance Crew is excited to highlight our spring preteen dance dates. These dances are for youth in Grades 6 & 7 only. Our goal is to provide a fun, safe, and engaging environment where youth can socialize and showcase their dance moves while being supported by trained youth workers. These preteen dances are very popular, so we recommend purchasing your tickets early to avoid disappointment.

Fall Dance Dates:

When: Saturday, March 8, 2025, 7-10 PM 
Where: Parkgate Community Centre
Cost: $25
Event ID: 301063
When: Saturday, March 29, 2025, 7-10 PM 
Where: Parkgate Community Centre
Cost: $25
Event ID: 330761  
When: Saturday, May 10, 2025, 7-10 PM *DATE CHANGED*
Where: Parkgate Community Centre
Cost: $25
Event ID: 330761
When: Saturday, May 31, 2025, 7-10 PM 
Where: Parkgate Community Centre
Cost: $25
Event ID: 330380


* You can register online by creating a PerfectMind account, visiting an NVRC front desk, or by phoning 604-987-PLAY (7529). You will be able to view the Parkgate Preteen Dances using this link, and registration will begin at 9:00 AM on March 13.
Special Notes: Prior to the dance, please visit any NVRC front desk counter in order to add a photo to the attendee’s account. Transferring dance tickets WILL NOT BE allowed. This includes a friend, another family member, or any other person in lieu of the registered participant for the Parkgate Preteen Dance. We will be following NVRC’s Program Refund Policy. If you have any additional questions and/or concerns that are not covered in the Preteen Dance FAQs, please contact Dale Cheyne, Parkgate Society Youth Services Manager, dcheyne [at] parkgatesociety [dot] ca or 604-783-8053.

Preteen Dance FAQs

Parkgate Society has been programming preteen dances at Parkgate Community Centre since 2007. While the popularity of these dances has increased over the years the goal of creating a safe, fun, positive environment still remains our goal. We are proud to offer several of these dances each year as it allows us to bring together, connect, and build memories with preteens.

So you didn't get a Preteen Dance ticket. What can you do?
We recommend waitlisting your child and ensuring the email attached to the account is one you have access to and check regularly. If a spot opens, you will receive an email around 3:30pm, generated by the NVRC Call Centre team, and you will have until 1 p.m. the following day to secure your spot. If no action is taken, it is assumed you aren’t interested, and you will have to rewaitlist, thus moving to the bottom of the list.
How many preteens come to these dances?

We accommodate up to 550 grade 6 and grade 7 students at these dances. This number has been determined as safe and manageable and was arrived at with consultation of staff members, the fire department, our insurance company, and youth themselves.

How soon before the dance should I purchase my ticket?

We recommend the sooner the better. Even purchasing all tickets for the season on registration day is a great way to ensure you don’t miss out on any preteen dances.

I have purchased a ticket to the dance and now I can no longer attend the dance, or I am feeling sick?

We know things change and stuff comes up. We follow the North Vancouver Recreation Commission and Culture refund policy, which is “you’ll receive a full refund if you request to withdraw from a program or day camp more than seven days before the scheduled start date”. Medical reasons can be accommodated.

As a dance crew we are practicing general healthy principles and asking participants to do the same. Meaning whether staff, volunteer, or participant we are asking if someone is not feeling well that they do not work or attend the dance in consideration of other’s health.

Can I transfer my ticket to a friend?

No. To keep the process fair to all individuals we keep a waitlist once a dance sells out. As spaces become available we phone those on the waitlist. Phoned waitlist individuals are given 24 hours to claim the ticket. If spaces open up less than 24 hours before the dance only 4 hours of call back time is given.

How many staff are there at the dances and who are they?

We maintain a minimum ratio of one dance crew member for each twenty participants. The dance crew is made up of the Parkgate Youth Services team along with staff from Parkgate’s Child Care department. Volunteers are also huge contributors to the preteen dances. Typically these volunteers are grade 11 and 12 students who are great at peer mentoring. Each member of the dance crew (whether staff or volunteer) has passed a criminal record check, and several staff members trained in first aid are present during the event. In addition to the dance crew, Genesis Security provides licensed, professional security personnel.

How loud is the music at the Preteen Dances?

We do a decibel level check every half hour at the dance totaling a minimum of 6 throughout the dance to ensure that music is in safe range for dancers. 88 dBA is our targeted decibel level. This number has been determined in accordance to Section 139 of the Regulation for Industrial Establishments (Reg. 851), which is outlined as an individual’s maximum daily levels of noise exposure in a 4 hour period. Ear plugs are available upon request for dance participants through dance crew staff.

What type of music is played at these dances? Is it appropriate?

Our DJs have been instructed to make sure the music reflects our goals of creating a fun, positive environment. We play the latest top 40 hits, but also field requests directly from the youth along with including some fun retro dance songs. All music played is clean/radio versions, so they are free of profanity.

What activities occur at the dances?

We work hard to make the dances a welcoming environment for all. We understand that each preteen is different. Some personalities may gravitate to our dance crew lead dance offs, limbo contests, etc; whereas others may appreciate non-dance activities with smaller crowds, such as karaoke or games of pictionary/hangman.

Where does the profit from the Parkgate Preteen Dance go?

While the aim of these preteen dances is to engage and socialize youth, any profit generated after the cost of running the dance is redistributed back to support Parkgate Society’s Youth Services programs. These low cost/no cost programs include weekly preteen/teen drop-ins, skate park BBQs, and the one to one crisis support we offer youth in the Mount Seymour/Deep Cove area.

I can’t make the dance for 7pm, what do I do?

No problem, you have until 8:00pm in check-in/redeem your dance ticket in the main entrance. After 8:00pm we take down the check-in tables and focus our attention on supervising and interacting with the preteens. Check-in after 8:00pm will occur by visiting the “office area” in Parkgate’s main entrance. Sorry after 9:30pm access will be denied.

Are there ins and outs at the dance?

There are no ins and outs at the dance. We do have a concession area for refreshments and have several other rooms of activity if a dance goer needs a break from the dance floor area. If a participant wants to leave before 9:30pm we make vocal confirmation with an adult first to ensure there is a pick up plan arranged.

Attendee wants to leave before 9:30pm.

If dance goers want to leave prior to 9:30pm, we need to verbally communicate with an adult/guardian/older sibling/parent to ensure they have a ride or that they are allowed to leave the dance on their own. We will also check-in to ask why they are leaving, with the goal to confirm that their dance experience was okay.

Is there a safe place to leave valuables such as money, cell phones etc.?

We strongly discourage preteens from bringing valuables to the dance including cell phones, as it is easy to misplace or lose items. $5 spending money should be adequate to purchase from the concession stand. Backpacks and jackets can be left in the coat check room at no charge. There is a courtesy phone in the lobby and youth workers have access to phones for youth to use if needed (ie. arrange a ride or check-in). Any dance crew member can help your child find a phone.

Can I take photos / selfies at the dance?

Again we encourage youth not to bring valuables such as cell phones and cameras. We don’t allow photography at the dances as Parkgate Society policy requires consent when photography is occurring. If a staff member observes photography this will be taken very seriously and will result in us taking appropriate action including discussions, deleting photo(s), and ongoing picture taking could result in being asked to leave the dance. We do take photography seriously, but at the same time can’t guarantee that we are able to stop every photo emerging from the dance.

Why do we require a PerfectMind account/membership card/photo for the dances?

The PerfectMind account is necessary for Parkgate Preteen Dance registration. Once you have added an account for your child or added them to your family account you should be able to easily register online via NVRC, via phone at 604-987-PLAY, or by visiting a front desk. After you have successfully registered for the Preteen Dance, we ask that you visit a front desk counter at any NVRC facility to add a photo of the dance attendee. The attached photo to the PerfectMind account is how we confirm that is YOU checking in. Adding the photo prior to dance helps us ensure the smoothest and quickest entry possible. It also helps us ensure that someone else who is claiming to be you doesn’t gain entry. Your PerfectMind account provides us with contact information in the event of an emergency so please ensure the information is accurate and up to date.

Is the dance a nut free environment?

No. If youth have an allergy they are reminded to check labels and concession staff can help them make appropriate choices. We only sell nut free items but can’t guarantee that the facility and dance is certified nut free.

Emergency cancellation process.

If a dance requires cancellation on the day it is scheduled, we will finalize the decision by 3:00 PM of that day. The first communication will be posted on our social media channels and website, followed immediately by emails sent to enrolled participants. These emails will include the reason for cancellation, details about the refund process, and any additional relevant information. If a dance is already in progress and needs to be cancelled, Parkgate Society’s social media and website will be updated first, followed by direct communication with participants using the emergency contact(s) information associated with their NVRC account. 

If you do have further questions, concerns, or general feedback please feel free to call the Youth Services Supervisor at 604-783-8053.

Visit NVRC to register.

Volunteer with us

Are you looking for a way to connect with our community? We are looking for volunteers of all ages who want to share their passion and skills with us and help to make our community a special place.

Contact our Volunteer Coordinator to learn more.

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