Holiday Craft Ideas
Here is a great list of fun DIY holiday activities for children that has been carefully put together by the creative staff in our Child Care & Family programs: DIY Holiday Crafts
Parkgate Society Sending Activity Boxes to Youth in Southend
Starting Monday, November 23rd until January 11th 2021, Parkgate Society in partnership with The Ballantyne Project will be gathering donations and filling activity boxes that will be shipped to the remote First Nations Community of Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation –...
Limited Spots Available immediately in our Seymour School Age Care Program
Parkgate Society Child Care Programs has limited spots available immediately in our Seymour School Age Care Program (before/after school care) for children who attend either Sherwood Park Elementary or Seymour Heights Elementary School. The Seymour Child Care Centre...
Parkgate Winter DeLights 2020
This year, during the month of December, we are hosting a series of small events and happenings to safely celebrate the season.