What’s happening in May

What’s happening in May

Find out what is happening at Parkgate Society this month: the upcoming Shred It event, scholarships, our AGM, and to read our latest edition of People of Parkgate.

Community Newsletter: Spring 2021

Community Newsletter: Spring 2021

Our latest Community Newsletter is now out. Click HERE to read all about what is happening at Parkgate Society this season. 🌷 Also, make sure to check out our new blog, “People of Parkgate” and read about John and Donna’s...
Spring Session of Y-Minds

Spring Session of Y-Minds

Parkgate Society’s Youth Outreach Workers, Graham and Shakila, will be facilitating another round of a fantastic 7-week virtual group called Y-Minds! This program will be online using Zoom 7 weekly sessions (Wednesdays, Apr 14th – May 29th) 4:00pm – 5:30pm. No cost to...
#WeSeeYou Activity Box Drive

#WeSeeYou Activity Box Drive

Parkgate Society in partnership with The Ballantyne Project is gathering donations and filling activity boxes that will be shipped to the remote First Nations Community of Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation – Southend in north eastern Saskatchewan. For more...

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